In this article, you will be introduced to different writing sites that offer earnings for your articles. It’s really up to you to decide where you want to start writing. Remember that there are many sites that invite you to write for free, however, they never mentioned that you will be earning in case you join them. It’s okay if you just want to write, but if you somehow want to generate earnings online, then start writing for ‘get paid to write’ sites.
The following sites are all free to join and can help you generate earnings online. The links will take you straight to their sites.
Associated Content
Associated Content is a platform that enables everyone to publish their content and then distributes that content through its website and content partners.
You can write about any topic in this site. You can use any media format, text, audio, video, and images. You can also use links to other sites. If you are a U.S. citizen and a U.S. resident, you have the option of earning an upfront payment from your articles. In addition to that, you can also earn whenever your articles reach thousand page impressions. For non-U.S. citizens and non-U.S. residents, your only choice of payment is performance payment. Performance payments are earned whenever your article generates thousand page impressions. For an upfront payment option, your content will be published in about a week but in less than two weeks. If you choose the performance payment option, your articles will be published in two days. This site accepts contents in English and Spanish only. This site does not accept adult content, advertisements, and offensive or defamatory contents. All submissions are reviewed by the editorial team of the site
Helium - Where Knowledge Rules
A directory of real world knowledge.
You can write about any topic in this site; journalism, politics, food recipe, song lyrics, poetry, or any topic you can think of. You are required to write 400 words minimum and 1,500 words maximum. This site accepts language in English only. They don’t allow adult content, hate content, and profanity in any articles. The downside of writing in this site is that they don’t allow you to edit or delete your articles. You can only edit your article by submitting a new one which will compete with your first article. If your second article wins by ratings, then your second article will replace your old one. It’s a lot of hard work just to edit your already published article on the site. You will earn whenever users click on ads placed with your articles. However, percentage distribution is not disclosed clearly but you will earn too every time your article generates thousand page impressions. Helium also has a marketplace where you can compete to write articles that will pay you a fixed amount for your article if it gets accepted by the publishers who will buy your work. Aside from Helium Marketplace, there are also occasional writing contests where you can earn cash and prizes.
HubPages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors. HubPages is completely free, and you can even earn online ad revenue!
In here, your articles are called hubs. A content writer is called a hubber. And your webpages are called hubpages. It can be confusing at first, but you’ll get used to it. You can write about any topic in this site; journalism, politics, food recipe, song lyrics, poetry, or any topic you can think of. You can even blog. You can’t write about adult contents and gambling. You can’t link your hubs to adult contents and gambling sites. You can use text, photos, videos, and links to demonstrate your topics. This site accepts language in English only. Earnings here are split 60/40; 60% goes to the hubber, and 40% goes to HubPages. Earnings are generated through ad clicks and every time your hub generates thousand page impressions. Aside from Google AdSense, you can also earn through Amazon, eBay, and Kontera. If you want additional earnings, and you have already written five high-quality non-promotional hubs, you can apply for the flagship hubs program. From this program, your hub can earn $25 upon completion in which it should meet strict standards.
Shvoong - Free Book Reviews, Synopses, Abstracts & Summaries
Get paid to write free book summaries, product reviews, abstracts, reports and notes. Make money online by writing about what you know.
If writing abstracts, summaries, and reviews of books, academic and study materials like thesis and dissertations, and any published materials like newspapers and magazines is your niche, you may want to write in this site. Contents in this site are in text only. You are required to write 300 words minimum and 900 words maximum. This site accepts 34 languages. You can also translate articles in this site to another language and still receive royalty payment. Also, if you want to read an article in this site but the article is written in a language you don’t understand, you “will be presented with the option of automatic translation into the following languages: English, French, German, Chinese (two dialects), Japanese, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Korean”. The automatic translation service may not be ‘high quality’ but you will be able to read the article in a language you understand. Earnings from the site are generated from the advertisements found in the site in which advertisements may be in Google AdSense or Overture. You earn 10% commission on your abstract, summary, or review. You will earn 5% commission on your translations of any article on the site. How a commission earning is generated is not clearly stated.
Triond - Publish Writing, Poetry, Music, Video & Content Online
Triond is an all-inclusive online publishing service that enables users to easily publish quality subject matter of any type, in any media format, anywhere. Becoming a Triond user is free and allows you to share you knowledge, ideas, and opinions.
You can write about any topic in this site. You can use any media format for your articles. You can write texts, show photos and videos to demonstrate your topic more clearly. You focus on your writing and they would do the online marketing for you. However, you are still required to make a little effort to increase traffic to your site. Your articles generate earnings every thousand page impressions. Or according to Triond site, “The amount you earn will depend on the number of views your articles generate and the average value of a page view for that page”. This site accepts articles written in any language. You submit your articles to them and the editorial team of this site will be the ones to publish your articles online. They publish your articles in sites that go well with your topic and language. According to Triond, “We publish content on the websites we operate, as well as on those operated by partner web publishers”. They don’t allow contents that “contain derogatory, offensive, unlawful, harmful, threatening, vulgar, profane, abusive, harassing, obscene, pornographic, defamatory or tortuous material”.
You can write about any topic in this site. Earnings are generated through Google AdSense. The admin of this site share 50% earnings to writers. But before you can start earning, you must first sign up for Google AdSense. Earnings of Google AdSense from this site are through rotation, and not the literal 50/50 split. The articles you write here are separated into two categories; Xombytes and Xomblurbs. A Xombyte can be a blog entry, an article, a review, or a fictional story with at least 150 words. A xombyte can contain links to other articles but these links should not be its main focus. You can also display images in your xombytes. A Xomblurb is Xomba’s equivalent of social bookmarking. A xomblurb contains links to your sites; this is how you are going to promote your writings. But you are just promoting yourself to the Xomba community. In xomblurb, you can use links, texts, images, and videos. This site gives occasional contests where you can earn cash and prizes.
So, there you go. You can choose where you want to join if and when you decide to write online. Some of these sites give better offer than others. But in all sites, you can write anything you want. No deadlines, no contracts, no obligations, and no pressure.
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